Jack Smith

From 100 years from now, a woman comes to Earth in 2100 mistakenly and there are many dangers. Heat waves were built that were more frequent and caused an infectious disease that turned people into flesh eating zombies. Will she be able to survive this catastrophic post-apocalypse, or will she die trying. (There is going to be mild blood because of my prediction, nothing too bad). I apologize that I put I at the beginning of my sentences a lot, but this is the first person and I didn't want to put she at the beginning of each sentence.

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#zombies #future # #time #scifi #travel #scary #city #apocalypse #action #horror #fantasy #creature #disease #shortstory #evil #heatwaves #earth #escape #save #hero #protagonist #victory #lesson #theme #devastation #thetimetraveler
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I have woken up in a destroyed house, stone fragments impaling the ground its herculean burden. As my own way of living, I just sauntered through the land and had no concern because I thought it was a hallucination until I saw this tattered better on the iron street. So I have settled and wanted to confabulate with him.

"Top of the morning, sir", I said.

"No girl please, you don't perceive what your doing", He said in a daunted manner.

"Huh?", I said.

"Those tungsten heat waves, set off a permicious pathogen to our planet", He said.

"Um...", I said.


"I'm going to be safe, believe me, I'm going to save you", I said assertively.

She took the baseball bat that was next to the man, without any consent, nothing more he could've done or said.

The sky was a fiery orange and the air was thick with humidity. She walked through the deserted city streets, listening to her own footsteps as they echoed off the buildings. The only sound other than her own was the eerie shuffling of the zombies who were chasing after her. She clutched her weapon - a baseball bat with nails pounded through the end - tightly in her hand.

It had been two weeks since the heat wave hit. Temperatures soared to over 110 degrees, and people were dropping like flies. The government had been quick to act, setting up cooling centers throughout the city, but it was too little too late. Within days, the dead began to rise, and the living had to fight to survive.

I had heard that something in her head had found a way to destroy the heat waves and end the apocalypse, but the information was limited. She had no idea where to start, but she knew she had to do something. The zombies chasing her were just a small part of the horrors that waited for her along the way.

The sky grew darker, and the zombies grew hungrier. I knew she was running out of time, so she pushed herself harder and ran faster. I turned the corner into an alleyway, hoping to find cover and maybe even lose her pursuers.

But it was a trap.

Dozens of zombies were waiting for her. They crept closer, stretching out their rotting hands towards her. She spun around, ready to fight, and that's when she saw it: a door with a glowing red light.

I realized that this must be what she was looking for. She had to get through the zombies to get to the door.

With all her might, she swung her bat at the zombie nearest to her, taking it down quickly. But there were still so many left, and she knew she couldn't take them all.

Desperately, I fought her way towards the door. She swung and swung at the zombies, beating them back, but she could see that they were getting closer and closer to her.

Finally, she reached the door and slammed it shut behind her. I was breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest.

The room was dark, and the only light came from a glowing computer screen. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next. But then she saw it: the button that read "Destroy Heat Waves."

With a trembling hand, I pushed the button.

A wave of relief washed over her as she felt the temperature drop. The sky outside grew lighter, and the air grew cooler. I smiled, knowing that she had saved the world.

But then she heard a sound from behind her: the zombies had broken through the door. They were coming for her again.

I realized that the fight wasn't over yet. I tightened her grip on her baseball bat and prepared to fight once more...

I moved with grace and speed, taking down hordes upon hordes of zombies as they lunged towards her, until she had cleared a narrow path towards a machine that could reverse the zombie apocalypse and save the future; with the stealth of a ninja and the skill of a war veteran, she swiftly put every single zombie down, pressed the button that turned the zombie virus into a harmless substance and watched as the white light enveloped the world, breathing a sigh of relief and feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had succeeded in her one-woman effort to save humanity.

I had just returned back to her own time after a long and adventurous journey through a time portal. I looked around and couldn't believe how much she had missed her own era. The reality that she was back in the comfort of her own home hit her as she took in the peacefulness of her room.

I realized she had taken for granted what an amazing house she had. Her house, which was once just a place to live, had become something much more significant to her now. It was her refuge, her sanctuary, her happy place. It felt incredibly good to be back in her own bed, surrounded by her own belongings that were familiar and comforting.

The beauty of the subtle details of her house heightened, and she couldn't help but admire the exquisite architecture of her dwelling, especially the astonishing stained glass window that shined beautifully when the sunlight entered the room. I made a mental note to herself that I would never take her home for granted again.

The emotions that filled I heart were amazement and wonderment, as she walked through I beautiful garden, with flowers twinkling and dancing in the sun, adding to nature’s orchestra.

As I walked through every nook and cranny of the house, she realized how much she missed its magic. The coziness of her living room, the smell of fresh flowers and freshly-baked cookies wafting from the kitchen, the comfortable couches where she and her family spent time reading, laughing, and playing board games.

I walked through every room and relished the familiarity and introspection that her house provided. I appreciated the warmth and love that flowed through every corner of her beautiful home.

From that day forward, I made it her mission to appreciate every little thing that made her house a home. I knew how lucky I was to have such a wonderful sanctuary and vowed never to take it for granted again.

14 Mayıs 2023 20:28 0 Rapor Yerleştirmek Hikayeyi takip edin

Yazarla tanışın

Jack Smith Hello, I am Jack G. (Gerapho) Smith, when I was about 19 years old I worked at a circus as a clown and then that's what sparked my idea of Kircus Kreeps. Ever since then, I've had an obsession with horror and later decided to be a full-time writer on here. Thanks to my career.

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