Lynette Joy

Angel is a small town girl that has always been more on the introverted side but that just might change by the end of summer... At the beginning of summer break she is looking forwards to hanging out with friends and going to parties but before all of that happens a accident accrues. Her eyes are opened to a new world full of magic and danger. And just when she thought she found solid ground, it fell out from under her feet. That was when the real adventure began...

Фентези 13+.
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Background Info

Pack Positions

Alpha- highest member of pack, leader

Luna- equal to Alpha, mated to Alpha

Beta- second in command

Gamma- third in command

Omega- lowest wolf in the pack, gets bullied

Zeta- male and female fighters, behind Alpha

Eta- male and female fighters in training, behind Zetas

Scout- patrols and fights when needed

Healer- has calming properties , stands in for emergencies

Peacemaker- keeps the pack from civil war, is involved in important decisions, wise voice, fights when needed

Elders- selects the dreamer, fights when needed

Queens- has cubs or is delivering soon, fights only to defend cubs

Loner- can be an informat ot messenger between packs, not friend or enemy

Rouge- is a sick or rabid wolf who deserts the pack, usually has a killing rampage before death

13 декабря 2022 г. 16:21 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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