Kavin Parimel

You've gotta know the Rise High series very well. But what about how it all started? Follow the story of a brave soldier who discovered the beginning of an amazing adventure.

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Hey, it's me, Nico! If you've tagged along with me for about 2 years, you'll know that I saved 2 planes (with the help of my friends), one with the president. And now I have 1 more hour before I am named the official Florida protector! And so will be my partner, Keily Boston. But one thing special about this is that Keily actually started this whole thing. And I'm gonna tell you the whole tale before I have to go. Hope you enjoy it!

11 ноября 2021 г. 0:00 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
Прочтите следующую главу Chapter 1: Introducing The Soldier


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