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Com Amor, o Doutor

Querida Amy, Por que sempre iniciamos uma carta com "querida" ou "cara"? Bem, esse não é o ponto em questão. Começo a escrever essas cartas para dizer que estou aposentado. Desta vez em definitivo. E… ЧИТАТЬ


Clara Oswald é confrontada com um regresso e um convite. Ela deverá decidir-se… e preparar-se para o último brinde, antes de voltar a página e seguir adiante com a sua vida. Como ela quis. ЧИТАТЬ


Estrelas. Corpos celestes a anos luz de distância da Terra. Contudo, mesmo tão longe, sua luz ilumina o céu todas as noites. E o olhar dela, deslumbrado, encantado, era semelhante ao brilho das estre… ЧИТАТЬ

O Mágico e Os Ladrões de Som

O Doutor e a Clara esperam passar uma tarde de verão divertida num festival de música, mas deparam-se com uma ameaça alienígena inesperada que pretende invadir a Terra e transformar todos os seus hab… ЧИТАТЬ


Donna sonha com Doutor, mas realmente se trata de um sonho? ЧИТАТЬ

The Woman Who Fell on Earth

Numa praia do Japão, um estranho veículo chega à costa… O que aparentemente parece ser um náufrago trazido pela maré é algo mais, o que acaba por atrair a atenção de um senhor do tempo. ЧИТАТЬ

Together At All

Amy fechou os olhos e, quando abriu-os novamente, estava em uma época que não era a sua, cercada de pessoas estranhas e em uma cidade desconhecida. Mas Rory ainda estava lá e sempre estaria lá. Por e… ЧИТАТЬ

13th Doctor x reader

The reader has some struggles and she suffers from depression, anxiety, SH and really negative thoughts. Everything seems hopeless for her since she has lost everything. The Doctor comes to rescue he… ЧИТАТЬ

13th Doctor x reader

The reader has some struggles and she suffers from depression, anxiety, SH and really negative thoughts. Everything seems hopeless for her since she has lost everything. The Doctor comes to rescue he… ЧИТАТЬ

A Never Ending Story

A fanfiction that I wrote about the Doctor in his several incarnations. An adventure in time and space. ЧИТАТЬ

A Never Ending Story

A fanfiction that I wrote about the Doctor in his several incarnations. An adventure in time and space. ЧИТАТЬ

Doctor Who - The Phoenix

This is a Doctor Who fan fiction story first written as an entry in the Big Finish Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trip In 2017, a community of fans formed a writing collective called Divergent Wordsmit… ЧИТАТЬ

Doctor Who - The Singing Planet

This is a Doctor Who fan fiction story first written as an entry in the Big Finish Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trip in 2016. In 2017, a community of fans formed a writing collective called Divergent … ЧИТАТЬ

Missy x reader

The Doctor kicks you out because he doesn't want to admit you saved him and you both get into a big fight. He says something hurtful before kicking you out. Missy then takes you in hopes to get the D… ЧИТАТЬ


Angel is half human and half timelady. Her mother was from Earth, while her father was from Gallifrey. She thought she was the last to survive but she found out there was the Doctor and another one. … ЧИТАТЬ


Angel is half human and half timelady. Her mother was from Earth, while her father was from Gallifrey. She thought she was the last to survive but she found out there was the Doctor and another one. … ЧИТАТЬ


Angel is half human and half timelady. Her mother was from Earth, while her father was from Gallifrey. She thought she was the last to survive but she found out there was the Doctor and another one. … ЧИТАТЬ

STARTRAVELS!: dos Timelords y un Gótico.

la vida de Nova, un chico gótico de londres, da un giro de 180 grados al conocer a un hombre(alien) curioso de corbatín con el que vive aventuras interdimensionales. a su misiva, pronto se unira una… ЧИТАТЬ