Saint Marcus Seguir

I am a historical themed fictional writer! My stories consist of fictional characters and their experiences throughout different themes in history or fiction! I can add a bit of a mythological/theological twist! Egypt.
31.1mil Palavras
ENTROU Nov 01, 2021
Inka Knight+ Nível 4

Minhas Histórias


História não Verificada This story speaks of a native young man named Josue in the 16th century during the Spanish Colonial campaigns in the New World. Josue lived with the European colonizers and has to find his true family, While also escaping the malicious grip of the E…
31.1mil visualizações 7 4 Novo capítulo A cada 30 dias


The Story speaks of a Phoenician Mercenary named Mithon in the 1st or 2nd Millenium BCE his story initiates with a deal, He made with the devil, Whom he thought he was the god Baal, Which cursed him with tattoos that gave him supernatural powers, B…
9.8mil visualizações 13 17 História concluída

Shupa: A Lion's tale

It's about a Barbary lion named Shupa, Who lived with his pride and son in the Atlas Mountains and He is taken by Trappers to the Colossuem and He has to survive and thrive to get back to his son and pride.
3.6mil visualizações 8 3 História concluída

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