Maxim F. Hener Seguir

United States.
1.3mil Palavras
ENTROU Jun 28, 2021
Inka Knight Nível 3

Minhas Histórias

Four Ways From Sunday

After an untimely death of a best friend. B'onca Ware becomes obsessed with solving her homicide, B'onca becomes Hell-bent on bringing down all party's that were involved with the crime. A Corporate Banker turned Private Investigator, Ware is tossed…
3.3mil visualizações 2 5 Novo capítulo Todos os Domingos

Dying To Be With You

An Erotic Street Thriller... (Fictional City of Phylicia, CA) Just released from prison, Calum "CeCe" Cox reluctantly returns to a life of crime, lust, and sex... (Under Construction)
3.5mil visualizações 2 8 Novo capítulo Todos os dias


Life can be a bitch, the human race can be cruel, people can be cold and calculating, and nobody knows this better than young urbanite Chauncey Miles. A man who strives to be something greater than his peers, works hard at living the American dream,…
2.9mil visualizações 6 2 Novo capítulo Toda semana

The Wrong Affair

WARNING: Hardcore, explicit content intended for adults only. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION...) Issa Montgomery a neglected wife that's reached her limit. Fed up with a sexless and unfulfilling marriage. Reluctantly she goes out in search of what she…
3.4mil visualizações 5 30 Novo capítulo A cada 2 dias

Only Once

After seeing his boss in a compromising position Elliott has fixated on her, Elliott won't rest until he gets a taste but things become complicated when a one-night-stand turns into a full-blown relationship, can Elliot remain true to love or will l…
7.8mil visualizações 64 90 Novo capítulo A cada 2 dias

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