Dinosaur Tamer Seguir

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ENTROU Jul 24, 2022
Inka Knight+ Nível 4

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A world of dangers mistery and magic animals of the past flying dangers and more...
3 histórias 560 visualizações

Hitler's Doubler

Hitler's Doubler was a very unknown man kept in secrets for long times but his story finally comes to light. This story was written only for the entertainment of you who is reading it and if you happen to like it please leave a review thank you…
8.9mil visualizações 1 3 Novo capítulo Todos os Domingos

For who is the danger?

I am writing this for one of the competitions Started writing on the sixth of January
7.2mil visualizações 3 5 Novo capítulo Todos os Sábados
História interativa

The hero of the Skull fields 1

Anod is a small boy who believes in a tale about a gem stone that can give powers to it's carriers... Will Anod and his group find the famous Khraff stone.
5.1mil visualizações 1 História concluída

Gondar Jinzisy

História não Verificada Ez egy kitalált nyelv
4.0mil visualizações 1 Novo capítulo Todas as Quartas-feiras

A journey trough snow

In Queen Annavel's time, not a trombone of war was new in the 500 years the three main kingdoms lived in peace. King Samuel, leader of the Engadoriks, polished horns, forged swords, painted helmets and strung bows. Samuel sent Maramior a dark army…
5.1mil visualizações 16 6 Novo capítulo Todas as Segundas-feiras

Nieundalt news blog

História não Verificada Every new thing will be addad in times.
2.2mil visualizações Novo capítulo A cada 10 dias

A new world

História não Verificada What if there would be a world where animals evolved differently that is what I will try to simulate today.
2.8mil visualizações 1 Novo capítulo Todas as Quartas-feiras

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