pijon95 Simon Pacheco Wolf

A poem about the communist terrorist groups of the FARC and ELN and my feelings towards them.

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#female #man #hate #red #war #feelings #emotional #love #torture
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The red men

The red men.

Here they come,

Here they come.

You can hear the pain, from far away.

We know where they’ve been

Torturing those poor men.

Only demons,

Or perhaps monsters,

Dressed like them.

We ask ourselves

What they seek

Even though we see

The blood and tricks

Here they go,

Here they go.

With no one but death as a friend

I wonder why they left,
I wonder if I’ll ever see them again.

I can only hate,

Those red,

Red men.

2 de Fevereiro de 2019 às 00:20 0 Denunciar Insira Seguir história

Conheça o autor

Simon Pacheco Wolf Escribo en Ingles y Español. Hablo Español, Ingles y Aleman. Vivo en Alemania. Aspirante a ser escritor de oficio. Me gusta escribir poemas sobre mi experiencia con la dictadura en mi pais y otros sentimientos dentro de mi. Mis historias son más que nada de terror, fantasticas, historicas o psicologicas. Sería un honor que me siguieras. English and Spanish writer living in Germany, I like writing horror/psychological stories and poems.

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