Mikhail DuRall

Dreams are powerful tools that many beings can use to their advantage. Just the concept alone is a complex topic, covering both waking dreams and sleeping ones.

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Summer Year 2

Summer Year 2 – Week 10

Dreams are powerful tools that many beings can use to their advantage. Just the concept alone is a complex topic, covering both waking dreams and sleeping ones. Truthfully, however, what is the difference? One, depending on the research, is our subconscious working through the challenges of existence and the other one is an intangible goal consciously set forth by, hopefully, yourself. That being said, though, I think it is important for everyone to take stock and make sure their dreams are their own…

Let’s see, more a literary week than anything. I finished Island of Lost Girls by Jennifer McMahon and was completely taken back by the final reveal. It just goes to show that life will always throw a curveball your way and the importance of knowing how to address the problem. Resiliency is a critical component of life, so I hope all of you are trying to figure out the best path forward

7 de Setembro de 2022 às 20:47 0 Denunciar Insira Seguir história

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