Andres Steiner

All of that was only an "experiment" and this story has no "sense". Please enjoy the "tale"

Horreur Tout public.

#psicológico #existencial
Histoire courte
4.9mille VUES
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ins dmnou deinost

El en nu2 aid ins2 aellv aelns, alsuu acdimnoan deinost ** s

Iv aglo aenotrx, del beoqsu deginorsu y em ers euq adiopr egnprtue * s

I adh for knosw ciorstuyi si ahtw ehste einos e*

I ot adn eoprxe adetrst e** (r)

I asw hiotuwt delnsye dentceepr hotutiw e ** 2772

Eilt beld hirt dlorw 2:2 32 es**

Ahot beg fgno ghtu in2 t beio dins ehte u bce alwa aswy detn aeis ,rus bdey cdis eorvy hist iprs aisw 4x4 x5 e * i

Eht ens his nsu din ere fif cnt loo rsu. Adi) apr eht s eis now c aer ail ist y ady imn awa enr ess

3x3() e**

Adenfmoss beerhtir htr deeofss co beignpr foy dwhtor an ceoss egnilinpr def agn hiinknt aleprtu eep4 char(9837273625933727) x2 e* + last repetition

мопто я лнопрссуя от анс и лнопя, отч геиноч ен диопрстхио

(519231536210) r *

snlic ni pleca sih of tpo the tronf ni tsnkih woh tjecbus ha thutohg 123:321 with end for (t,2 : e,14)*-1 e*

aem(n2)o hitw enmoseo f(o2)tu is eghinrtvye(1,2) dna dimn my fo deins(i2)s a(2l) elnsus ,aelr asw ghinotn btu

join letters at the end of each side e*** (preserve each lenght under the existence of the eternal entropy)

enoyreve edisni eno ylno tub lamron gnihtemos ees ot elba eb nac I esuaceb ,won driew si eurt eht

12345678 123456 123 1234 123 123456 123456789 123 12 1234 12 123 1 1234567 123 12345 12 1234 123

23 00 2 1 0 4321 3 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 0

All is around of an eternal darkness and every song falls aparts of myself slowly

123 12 123456 12 12 1234567 1234567 123 12345 1234 12345 12345 12 123456 12345

100 10 100001 10 10 1010010 11000100 101 10101 0000 01000 111010

10 110100 001001

a i ad o a eea dae ad eey a apat o my oy

1 2 12 1 1 123 123 12 123 1 1234 1 12 12

0 1 00 0 0 000 000 00 000 0 0000 0 10 00

eternal 0

add bin(i)+bin(a) second place, but in false sense

0 1 00 0 0 000 000 00 000 0 000 0 10 00

0 10 10 0 0 000 000 00 000 0 010 0 00 00

0 00 00 0 0 000 000 00 000 0 010 0 00 01

0 00 00 0 0 000 000 00 000 0 0001 1 00 00

10 0 00 0 0 100 101 11 0000000000000000000

yp2ah eb ot nosaer a gnie2s mi : 1

ahpyp be ot aenors a eginse im : 10

a aenors ahpyp be eginse im ot : 11

a2enors ahpyp be2ginse im ot : 100

yp2ah ebgine2s ot anosaer mi : 101

1( 1(4) 2(0 )3(0) 4(1) 5(0 )6(0) 7(12)) 10(1(0) 2(10) 3(0) 4(26) 5(0) 6(1) 7(0)) 11(1(-) 2(-) 3(-) 4(-) 5(-) 6(-) 7(-)) 100(1(-) 2(-) 3(-) 4(-) 5(-)) 101(1(-) 2(-) 3(-) 4(-) 5(-))

What can you see ? Said the strange guy

Puedo ver el mundo que hay dentro de ti, dice quien carece de su razón de existencia.

Я вижу тебя сейчас

Look behind of you !!

rio y rev arap recalp nu se otirg ut

123 1 123 1234 123456 12 12 12345 12

21 54321 21 21 654321 4321 321 1 321

000 0 010 0000 0010(10)0 00 00 10000 00

e cm o

No, You're not real

What is real? Everything is coming with an unique purpose

Are you hidding something else?

No, That's all those secrets inside of your perception

12 3456 78 987 65432 1978234 596148 23 5679 9876543217

1(nsio) 2(oeeoi) 3(tstft) 4(hodp) 5(eiye) 6(ytsoc) 7(rlcurn) 8(elree) 9(aenrp)

(12) (3) 4 5 6 7 (8) 9

(nsiooeeoi) (2tstf) (2elre) (45679)

Delete equality

(nsioe) (tsf) (elr) (hodpeiytscrluna)

Join the disjoint existence


Break the order

(h(op)d) (elr) iy (tsf) (scr) (lu(nsioe) a )

(hope the) (i l are) (tiesef) (eliunesaioi ei)

meet the letters again and repeat part of the sequence

(hope the il are (tiesfluaio) )

Put the order back

I'll hope you are set dfo

Who is dfo?

The rest of the disorder given by your query

Is a differential order

The born of the chaos and the destruction of the sense

Vaya sin sentido, ¿No te parece?

You seem disturbed.

Do you want to continue interpreting a collection of words ?sreirrab elbisivni neewteb dedivid ylno diov a tub gnihton taht gnileef fo noitasnes eht leef ro redro lacigol yltnerappa na tuohtiw

What the hell was that?

That was dfo or your unknowing description words, Don't you see the relation between the fantasy inside of your head and the real state of your head while you're reading the creation of the base construction, tell me

Do you see something outside of this world ?

01001110 00000100 00110110 10100110 00100110 00000100 10000110 01001110 10100110 10101110 01100110 00000100 10000110 00101110 11001110 10100110 00000100 10000110 00100110 10000110 01110110 00000100 01011110 10100110 01101110 00000100 10101110 11001110 00000100 10011110 00000100 11110110 10010110 01001110 10100110 00101110 11001110 10010110 10110110 00000100 01110110 10101110 00000100 11110110 00100110 11110110 00101110 00000100 11001110 10100010

Lo veo claramente, ahora todo se contradice y su vez la realidad es única

That's the beggining of our lecture together

Я думаю, что ты сошел с ума

Claro que lo estoy, sino como crear algo distinto siendo cuerdo

All has been done, nothing is original

Digame señor ¿Qué crees tu?

12 Septembre 2019 08:40 2 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
La fin

A propos de l’auteur

Commentez quelque chose

AS Andres Steiner
(acdn) (aort) (deim) (orrn) (osae) (osty) (uuu)
September 12, 2019, 09:31