chzrry_baby Alex Nageswaran

Hello, I'm Alex and this is my first story. Please know that I'm only 69 so my writing might be not so good. I did not draw the cover. I hope you enjoy my writing. Also, these chapters are pretty short.

Fantaisie Médiévale Tout public.

#war #devils #angels #drama #fantasy #notsogood
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As I walk into town I immediately notice something off about the people. I know I'm an outsider but this is way too much staring, I feel as if I'm being monitored like I'm an endangered species that could be attacked at any moment.

I read the address written in my notebook “6882 Radiance Circle”.

Now the pressure is getting to me. I'm getting malicious looks from some of the townspeople. Is it really that strange to see a girl with a green tint in her hair walking around town?

I pick up the pace as I head toward the address. From what I can tell I'm almost there, after about a few more minutes I get to the radiance circle. The air is refreshingly cool and the atmosphere is surprisingly light, the exact opposite of the town.

I scout the area and find the house I was looking for, a boy is standing in front of it, he looks tall and orderly.

He notices me and gives me one of those sly-and-devilish-looking smiles. I hate those kinds of smiles, it always makes me feel a bit unsettled like I can't trust those kinds of people.

He has long, flowing bangs with black hair, he’s wearing a classic black and white tuxedo, which made him look like a rich boy.

I must admit, I was not expecting that from my roommate, I thought they would be more of a modern-ish type of person like me, even though my clothes don't match.

I approach with caution because, seriously, this guy looks way too suspicious for my liking, honestly.

"Hello Floki," said the boy “How do you know my name?” I ask.

“My apologies, my name is Aeden, I think I owe you a proper explanation as to why you're here.”

He sighs with a troubled look “How do I explain it? Well… you sort’ve… died.”

I almost fall over from the shock, I'm completely flabbergasted. “That’s not true!” I protest.

“I’m afraid it is, you died after being forced to a bar, and while driving back the driver was extremely drunk and drove you off a causeway, you drowned.”

The words hit me like bullets, I can't even believe it, wasn’t I a good person? What did I do to deserve this? Can I even trust my own mind?

A thought pops into my head. “So, if everybody here is dead… how did you die?” I ask.

Aiden gives me an uncomfortable look “I’d… rather not say right now..”

“I still don’t believe you!” I shout. “Well then, tell me, what was your mind set on before you came here?:” The smug look on his face grows even bigger. “I was. I- uh. I-I… I don’t remember…” I stammer. “See? The only goal on your mind in the last 24 hours was getting here.”

Though he tries to hide it, I can hear him slightly laugh, his expression changing from smug to smug AND pitiful, I hate it, salt on the wound if you ask me.

He notices the change in my emotions and evades the subject “How about you go in and take a look around your new? Dorm? House? Eh, whatever.”

He shrugs off the subject and walks towards the door, holding it for me “I don’t need your pity or the “gentleman” attitude.” I snap. “Rude much.” he retorts, hitting me with one of those sharper-than-knives glares.

As I walk in I notice that the place has a warm and cozy vibe, and I get knocked back with a sense of deja vu, the living room looks inviting and kind of reminds me of myself, a teenage astrology-obsessed girl who also loves gardening, and yes, I’ll admit it, I’m a spiritual girl.

The kitchen shows off an industrial-type farmhouse style, it has wood for most of it but there's some stone and metal to give off that modern but not too 21st-century feel.

I don’t even notice that my jaw has dropped “Astonishing right? House designers know all the ins and out’s of our liking.” “But how?”.

He laughs “How, lady, have you not noticed that we're in the afterlife? Most house designing is watching over your clients to see what they're interested in.” “So I was spied on.” “Yep.”

I shudder at the idea that I was watched for my whole life but quickly shake it off, realizing probably everybody felt that way at first. “Let me show you to your room.” I glance at him “I said drop the attitude.” I walk up the birchwood stairs as I run my hand across the steel railing, I start to feel that same feeling again, except it’s more like anemia this time.

The strange

14 Novembre 2022 22:15 0 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
À suivre… Nouveau chapitre Tous les 2 jours.

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