wren-sawyer Wren Sawyer

Kara was driving back to her parents, late at night. It was pouring rain, she could barely see, as she almost hit a child in the road.

Histoire courte Interdit aux moins de 21 ans. © 2022

# #shortstory #horror #thriller #mystery #scary
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Turn Left

It was late. Kara was on the way back to her parents house. It was raining hard, Kara could barely see. she sat up close to the windshield, to try and see better. That really didn't work. She was getting mad, she started cursing. She didn't won't to pull over in the middle of no where. Kara made sure she driving slow.

Kara thought to herself, she shouldn't had went to work today or she wouldn't be in this situation. There were no cars on the road bur her. Not only the rain being horrible, the road was so dark and foggy.

Kara saw something in the middle of the road. She was thinking a animal, she couldn't tell as she was back a good ways. She git closer and slammed on brakes! There was a little girl in middle of the road, just standing there. She had brown hair, that was in pigtails. Pretty light blue eyes with pale skin.

Kara got her umbrella and she got out the car. Kara kneeled down to the little girl. She asked 8f she was ok. The little girl never responded. She just kept looking straight ahead. Kara asked were her parents were. No response. Kara asked were she lived. The little girl did respond to that but she just pointed in the direction.

Kara got the little girl in her car and started driving. The rain had finally slacked off. Kara looked at the little girl and asked her, her name. No response. The little girl pointed to a long dark road to the left. It looked really creepy. Kara was driving down the road slowly She look at the little girl and told her let her know if she needs to turn again. The little girl pointed to a old looking house straight ahead.

We pulled up to the front. Kara got out and helped the little girl out the car. They walked together to the front door. The little girl ran off running, she was laughing. Kara yelled for her to come back. She kept running. Kara knock on the door. A older lady answered the door. Kara told her about the little girl in the middle of the road and she said she lived her. The woman looked at me In disbelief. It took her a few minutes to say anything. The lady looked at me and said, what kind of joke are you playing and I don't appreciate it. Kara was confused. she ask her what is she talking about, there was a girl! The lady said, it can't be. Kara was even more confused. She said, what do you mean it can't be. I know i picked her up, she was in my car. That's when the lady started crying. Kara didn't know what to think. She said, ma'am can you please tell me what's going on. The lady shook her head yeah and told Kara, you couldn't had pick my little girl up. She died 15 years ago on that road. She was walking on the side of the road with her brother and another car wasn't paying attention and hit her. She died instantly. I didn't know what to say or how how to say it. I just wanted to go home now. I looked at the lady told her I was sorry and I got in my car and left. I will not go down that road again.

23 Octobre 2022 03:12 1 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
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A propos de l’auteur

Wren Sawyer I'm a writer of horror,thriller,mystery, paranormal and I write short stories.

Commentez quelque chose

Shaun Waller Shaun Waller
This is a really good chapter, you might want to go through it and check for some spelling mistakes but apart from that a very interesting and intriguing chapter. 😎
February 08, 2024, 21:07

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