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With Your Feet In The Air And Your Head On The Ground

I've always wanted to have certain thrills in my life. Thrills that are considered dangerous, addicting if you will; like a drug it's become a desire, a need, a golden idol that sits underneath a lost temple. You want it, its out there but you don't know where. Unfortunately, those thrills come extremely rare. Because everyone is a bunch of fucking pussies. As I like to put it.

It is becoming more and more visible that every human being is deteriorating from their former selves, human instinct is now flight instead of fight. Not to sound like I watched "Joker" millions of times but society is the cause of that.

But what's the cause of society? Why is it how it is now? Is it big cooperations? Is it religions? Who knows and who the fuck cares?

Knowing this can drive a man to the brink of insanity. And that's what it did to me, Johnny Caine. This is my story and I'd like that you listen.

18 Août 2022 17:31 0 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
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