Histoire courte
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mind control

eslabón tras eslabón,

los peldaños del tiempo,

sin principio, sin final.

la suerte echada al vacío,

el eterno vaivén del compás,

las manecillas de la sociedad,

las voces en la periferia:

la ilusión de un porvenir

exento de toda realidad.

5 Mars 2022 10:27 0 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
La fin

A propos de l’auteur

Sergio Luna I am passionate about art (music, painting, literature), technology, and learning in general. I explore how technology has re-shaped our shared understanding of reality and our sense of identity. I challenge the meaning of words and objects in the post-modern [digital] world, including our relationship with the invisible structures of politics, economics, and capital. I voice a cynical view about the present and future of technology as an enabler of finding purpose and fulfillment in life.

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