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Soleil is so difficult to take between hands, if it were not for the fault of the ancient humans our planet would still be alive. So would you let me tell you the story of how I ended up here if they were to blame? It is updated on Mondays Translator from Spanish to English: bulletsofvala (Instagram)

Fantaisie Fantaisie historique Déconseillé aux moins de 13 ans.

#drama #332 #juvenil #stories #345
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Chapter one.

The earth? You mean planet earth? So, have you discovered that I wasn't born here like you were?

How old am I? I dont remember, but I remember that I was born in the autumn season of the ancient planet.

What makes me special? It is surely talking to the god who runs this part of the planet we live on.

"Isn't it strange?" What thing?

"That you are the last human" You are wrong, there is another human, but he was banished from this part of the world a long time ago.

-What was his ...

- Stop bothering the monster, Ethan. - The mother reprimanded him; From what he himself had told me, he is six years old and he wants to be the guardian who protects all the people in this land. But he was always immersed in that doubt that all got, the doubt of both himself and his situation "Who is the girl behind the iron door?"

- Wait mom. - She stopped her, creating an expression of utter disgust. - Why were you locked up? - he throw the question as fast as he could and in that way I began to tell him my history.

The story of the girl with snow-flaked hair

15 Novembre 2021 19:25 0 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
Lire le chapitre suivant Chapter 2. Why?

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