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If our eyes are not focused it can not accurately describe the scenes in view. A united vision see with singleness of mind body soul and spirit.

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#United #in
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United visions

It was early enough and I roused myself up to another day.

It's kind of humourous how without kids and other devices to distract you, you are going to, some way or another find something to occupy your day AND you will try not to begin it, by filling it with all the baggage of yesterday!

So it was after 5 am and I got up hoping I had the right frame of mind to go before God with. Something in the Bible said if your eyes are single there is light in the body. I'm going to reach into this thought in the other chapters so follow me for more updates.

31 Mai 2021 12:43 0 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
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