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La Isla

Enbarcados en lo que parecían ser unas vacaciones gratis, un grupo de chicos se encuentran con un misterio del cual no saben cómo zafarse. ¿Hay algo en la Isla? COMMENCER LA LECTURE

The Demon of Locerus

"All I want from you is what you already aim to do: Kill the Demon of Locerus." Mithmeia Rhyre is on the hunt for the man, the monster, summoning blackened demons to raze towns and kidnap children.… COMMENCER LA LECTURE

All for One and One for All

It's not just a phrase. It's the code they live by, the bedrock of their brotherhood. Through thick and thin, they have each other's backs. These are the glimpses into the little moments in the lives… COMMENCER LA LECTURE

Proyecto sueño

Los amigos imaginarios han cambiado, controlan sueños y pesadillas. Margaret Evans vive en las pesadillas, con una imaginación despierta se meterá en problemas y se encontrará a ella misma, mientras … COMMENCER LA LECTURE

The Knight's Promise

Isaac is a simple man, trying to lead a simple life. Or as simple as life can get for a professional conman but that is neither here nor there. Of course, all of that changes when a mysterious man … COMMENCER LA LECTURE

The Uncrowned Lord of The Sea

"Hail those whose names will never be remembered." ••• Singing planets, lightning that's used as tree branches by flying snakes, and a world that screams out the unfinished state it was left in. T… COMMENCER LA LECTURE