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The story shows a 17-year-old who is in the last year of school, he lives in his own world full of darkness, the same one that follows him until a fucking critic, until he takes the step to take his … COMMENCER LA LECTURE

The peaceful blue

Short story about the end of civilization. COMMENCER LA LECTURE


Ob seine Eltern sich streiten, Ob die Lehrer ihn anschreien, für Stress hat Argjend immer einen Plan. Er schließt seine Augen und begibt sich in eine Welt seiner Fantasien. In eine Welt, mit Kräfte… COMMENCER LA LECTURE

One poem a day keeps the dullness away

One poem a day keeps the dullness away. ...or... or is it the emotions it holds back? The anguish, despair and fear that's somewhere hidden, deep inside everyone? Writing poetry helps me calm down … COMMENCER LA LECTURE

Rosa Marchita

Relato sobre una joven trans que deseaba vivir pero a la que la sociedad no dejó ser feliz. COMMENCER LA LECTURE