My journey, my story part 2

Enjoy! :) And check my other storys out!
45 CHAPITRES 6.5mille vues 57 46 Histoire terminée

The Matrix

"The Matrix" is a thought-provoking and evocative series of poems that delves into the theme of education and the societal constructs that confine individuals within a system. The poems portray education as a complex matrix, a web of rules and degrees that often restricts the true potential of young minds. It highlights the conformity expected fro…
#6 Dan Oda 25 CHAPITRES 17.7mille vues 73 11 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 10 jours

Life isn't getting easier

It's about the thoughts i have during my life journey. Check it out and i hope i would inspire you or something you can relate with. New beginnings aren't always that easy. It's better together them walking them alone.
31 CHAPITRES 45.5mille vues 68 56 Histoire terminée

Voices of insight

Man keeps on making many journeys on this earth throughout his life, during this time he keeps seeing and feeling the surrounding world and every aspect of nature. Due to this seeing and feeling, many words are born in the creative mind . The writer saves those words and brings them to the world in the form of a timeless poem, after reading which …
#2 Dan Oda 100 CHAPITRES 10.0mille vues 74 7 Nouveau chapitre Tous les jours

The Music of the Soul

This is a true story about my family their spiritual traditions and family beliefs retold in one Ode Poem that you can read in under ten minutes.
Histoire courte 1.5mille vues 2 2 Histoire terminée

It’s knocking again

The road I was on, starting three years ago was self destructive. Along with every dark emotion that could be had. I feel I had died in my small world with 4 walls and a door. There’s always a way out, you just have to keep looking for light.
#5 Dan Oda 19 CHAPITRES 47.7mille vues 109 35 Nouveau chapitre Tous les lundis


Reading between the line and words are like the secret code to knowing my life.
23 CHAPITRES 27.7mille vues 113 16 Histoire terminée

Among Pawprints and Verses

English Translation of "Entre Huellas y Versos." This book compiles a collection of poems that celebrate the deep connection between the author and her faithful canine companion, Ámbar. Through verses filled with emotions and shared experiences, themes such as loyalty, joy, unconditional love, and the mischievous moments that color everyday life a…
#1 Dan Oda 13 CHAPITRES 15.5mille vues 359 34 Histoire terminée

You and I

A Poem for Mothers
Histoire courte 6.4mille vues 3 3 Histoire terminée

My Heart Beats

🎙️🎼Here's to you 🎵Music🎶 and the beautiful 🎧friendship that weve built over these all the years. 🎷Having been the 🥁 best and most loyal friend I've ever known, 🎸 🎹
#3 Dan Oda 21 CHAPITRES 10.0mille vues 44 6 Nouveau chapitre Tous les mardis

Secrets of an Introvert

Secrets of an Introvert explores the thoughts of someone who does not find it easy to express their feelings out loud, through poetry. Take a journey through an introvert's mind and maybe you'll understand them a little better, or even sympathise with them if you are also a fellow introvert.
#4 Dan Oda 22 CHAPITRES 33.3mille vues 48 47 Histoire terminée

My Life thoughts.

This is where it all started. The time to let everything out. Everyone has their own way how they cope with their feelings. I came to a point that i began to acknowledge that what i feel is worth something. That worth can change things, people and so much more. Instead of overthinking about everything and keeping it to myself. I hope it will encou…
20 CHAPITRES 6.9mille vues 29 46 Histoire terminée

In the Silence of the Night

I know why you are screaming I taste the pain Yes i feel you
Histoire courte 8.6mille vues 12 12 Histoire terminée

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Histoire non vérifiée
Histoire courte 2.6mille vues 1 1 Histoire terminée

The world according to The Universe

Histoire non vérifiée The Universe has many variables and varieties, which one can’t explain. But if you can explain the life of this world in this decade, a lot can go on. Some may understand the struggles more than others, some less than others. It’s important to know that some people actually go through these scenarios, as well as myself. Sit back, relax and drink c…
42 CHAPITRES 16.6mille vues 3 4 Nouveau chapitre Tous les jours


Hell falls on earth, people rise up and resist it. People looking for hope, trapped in a hell.
2 CHAPITRES 6.0mille vues 7 4 Histoire terminée

My Life journey, my story

Just write about my Life, Quotes, friends, issues, problems. About starting a new season with no reason..
21 CHAPITRES 5.6mille vues 28 44 Histoire terminée

Faith by Moonlight

Histoire non vérifiée Tells of an internal war se will conquer with nobody but the moon on her side
Histoire courte 1.9mille vues Histoire terminée

Lo que escribo para mi

Histoire non vérifiée Creo que esto es poesía.
Histoire courte 4.4mille vues 120 1 Histoire terminée

All I Needed was Healing

Histoire non vérifiée It took years for me to learn to love myself while struggling with sex addiction. Come along as I share how I have grown into the woman I am today.
Histoire courte 2.8mille vues 4 En cours

Betting on tips

Histoire non vérifiée Thesis writing tips help veteran and aspiring writers understand what they can do in an attractive essay.
1 chapitre 2.6mille vues Histoire terminée
Histoire de blog

Nightmares of the day

Histoire non vérifiée A little book in which I will share my poems and little else, I hope you like it or serve as inspiration.
1 chapitre 2.8mille vues En cours

Ode to Autumn Leaves

Histoire non vérifiée You can read my blog where I explain my thought process, reasons, and what this ode meant to me
Histoire courte 4.2mille vues 119 Histoire terminée

Light At The Far End

Histoire non vérifiée Poems from the heart, felt by the hearts that were thirsting for lights. A new light to the broken-heartened. Aspiring and inspirational poems for everyone.
10 CHAPITRES 2.5mille vues 2 1 Histoire terminée

Chaos paradox

The windows to my soul open inside chaos The chaos distorts the already severe reality, the questions desolate me. Inside of me, the installed chaos distorts me and drain prospects. Child of experience shaped in chaos, the options were survive or collapse.
1 chapitre 5.4mille vues 4 3 Histoire terminée

My Poet Heart

Histoire non vérifiée Most of us have experienced some form of pain, but we hide it not knowing that it can slowly build up and destroy us emotionally, not allow us to grow as human beings. This book was written in my darkest days, I hope that when you read it, you can relate and learn to embrace pain but also learn to let go of it as I did.
20 CHAPITRES 2.8mille vues Histoire terminée


Histoire non vérifiée Feeling with shadow
Histoire courte 1.7mille vues Histoire terminée

Listen To Me Dear

Histoire non vérifiée " The wound is where the light enters you.." ~ Jalaludheen Rumi ~ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ A collection of poems that I hope will uplift you.. Just Listen to me Once..❤
1 chapitre 2.4mille vues Nouveau chapitre Toutes les semaines