In Bed With The Demon Lord

Clara accidentally summons Dante, a demon, while practicing for a Latin quiz. Any sane person would want to get rid of him, but Clara has come to like him more than she'd like to admit. When Latin practice goes wrong, it can go oh-so-right! All Rights Reserved. This book has only been posted to Wattpad and Inkitt as a preview and to Fictionate, In…
#4 Dan Lucid 23 CHAPITRES 18.8mille vues 10 51 Nouveau chapitre Tous les vendredis


Spirit After Murder.

This story contains - Sexual Scenes, Strong Language and Violence, Enjoy. A group of students stumble across their next paranormal adventure on break from university, the students get more than they bargained for, learning a timeline that seems like a timeless nightmare, that they can’t escape from.
#5 Dan Lucid 2 CHAPITRES 30.0mille vues 42 22 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 30 jours

Inclus dans: Very Important Homeslice. ($10/mois)