Le classement par catégorie est calculé chaque semaine en fonction des performances récentes. Les positions des histoires ici varieront de temps en temps.

The Pact of Shadows

English translation of "El Pacto de las Sombras." In a world shrouded in darkness, David makes a sinister pact to gain the power to bring back the light. However, his noble heart contends with the malevolence of the wizard who bestows the power upon him. Trapped in a spiral of servitude, David seeks a way to free himself and redeem his soul. With…
Histoire courte 7.1mille vues 30 34 Histoire terminée



The story is about a family that is born with a curse from his ancestors and grows up and finds out he's a Hybrid. His brothers are abnormal and is given a choice to either save the earth from the threats that came upon their lives or let them take over and kill off everyone.
30 CHAPITRES 19.9mille vues 61 32 Histoire terminée


My Eyes Are Stars

Une partie de l’univers de Starry Eyes They were a pair of adventurers. Oscar, a swordsman looking for a teacher in magic, and Penelope, a woman with overbearing strength, looking to make a name for herself in the world. In a world of magic and legend, their story isn't all that uncommon, but theirs is just one look of many into a place where ordinary and extraordinary are one.
6 CHAPITRES 16.6mille vues 9 10 Histoire terminée