Heba Hamdi Seguir

Greetings! My name is Heba and I’m a writer. ​ As a writer, the most liberating day of my life was the day I started writing for myself. ​ The 4th of Sept.2017 was the day I switched off the imaginary voices in my head, closed their supposedly piercing eyes and wrote, for the very first time, my absolute truth. http://https://hebahamdi.wixsite.com/chapter-by-chapter. Cairo, Egypt.
90.0mil Palabras
MIEMBRO DESDE May 11, 2019
Inko Mid Senior Nivel 2

Mis historias

Beautiful Unknown

The unknown is beautiful because we don't know what will bring. Where, when, and how. A treasure may appear from nowhere, or an old dream that we almost forgot. And the unknown also brings us unexpected love, but it often brings what we would not e…
2.8mil visitas 1 1 Nuevo capítulo Todos los viernes

Marriage of Convenience

Dylan Dexter Ltd CEO Theo Dylan stood in front of his office window overlooking at the most beautiful site in London. When he suddenly turned around to see his assistant looking at him gently. You came too early, Freya I wanted to talk to you Mr. …
9.7mil visitas 88 52 Historia completada


Untold Sorrow

When Jennifer buried her love the time stopped and she was no longer alive. What the benefits of life for a woman who lives without a heart. When she met Matthew Smith she read the story of her Sorrow in his eyes. A tormented man haunted by the ghos…
7.7mil visitas 205 14 Historia completada

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