rebecca-wolff Rebecca Wolff

When Peter Moor opened his eyes and remembered, he knew he had lost everything. (Announcement of the eBook).

Historias de vida Sólo para mayores de 18. © Own work

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It was raining. In torrents. One thing I knew when I woke up that morning in October. Nothing was the same. They were dead and I was a poor man in mourning. I did not like to cry, but the tears came. Like the rain outside, they ran down my cheeks. I had lost everything but my own life. Was this a gift? Or a punishment? I stood up. The storm had stopped and now so had the rain. I made myself a cup of coffee and looked at the clean bright curtains that Rosa, my friend, had often washed. Rosa had loved curtains and flowers. She had often bought new curtains and sorted out the old ones. The flowers were everywhere in the garden and also on the porch. They looked neat and healthy. Then the front doorbell rang. I opened it and froze. "Hello Mr. Moor" the man smiled sternly at me. But his eyes were a good-natured bright blue. His car parked in the driveway to my house was not unknown to me.

To be continued.

30 de Abril de 2023 a las 16:38 0 Reporte Insertar Seguir historia

Conoce al autor

Rebecca Wolff Rebecca Wolff ist auf der schwäbischen Alb geboren, wohnhaft im Kreis Stuttgart. Schreiben ist ihr Hobby. Es ist wunderbar in die Welt des Schreibens einzutauchen und auch zu lesen. Sie denkt gerne über den Sinn des Lebens nach, hinterfragt auch vieles. Ihre eBooks beschreiben meistens das Leben.

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