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Isn't Plenty {Verse}

It Isn't Plenty!

One, Three, Five!

Can I use your Wifi?

One, Three, Five, Seven

I can't find the route for heaven!

Two, Four, Six!

How did the problems fix?


to whom will you appreciate!

Nine, Eleven, Thirteen

Oh my gosh! I lost bean!

Nine, Eleven, Thirteen, Fifteen

Who will work with keen?

Ten, twelve, fourteen

I gotta go in between

Ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen

Look at everywhere Its GREEN

Seventeen and eighteen

Let's put an end screen!

Nineteen and twenty


(Hope you enjoyed this verse. If you are interested in future or future-based stories thriller story please check out TIMERZ-immortal stone. A four star rating story crossed 300+ views. And The Shawkin's Lab mystery/thriller story check out, four star rating crossed 5500+views)

31 de Octubre de 2021 a las 03:50 7 Reporte Insertar Seguir historia

Conoce al autor

Vijay Shriram Young author looking towards the life! Books of mind or maybe out of the mind but the thoughts are always the hearts.

Comenta algo

Mervin Spidle Mervin Spidle
I want more give me another
December 10, 2021, 12:12

  • Vijay Shriram Vijay Shriram
    Sure, Process on. December 10, 2021, 12:47
  • Vijay Shriram Vijay Shriram
    A new poem is releasing Friday IST 12.00am chack itI out, Dude December 15, 2021, 12:51
Mervin Spidle Mervin Spidle
Keep working on it, you can do it and you can get a topic that gets good sense you keep up the good work
December 10, 2021, 12:10

  • Vijay Shriram Vijay Shriram
    Will u suggest a topic for the next verse? December 10, 2021, 12:48
Vijay Shriram Vijay Shriram
Hope everyone liked it!
October 31, 2021, 11:25

  • I C Indrani Choudhary
    Yes I liked I but can you try my poems as well I want to become a writer with an engineer I am currently 12 years old. March 19, 2022, 18:45