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Fancy Quotes

The insighful and inspiring words you may encounter, it will give yourselves a chance to gain wisdom, it will give you a time to read every phrases to have realizations and it will give you an enligh… EMPIEZA A LEER

My Life journey, my story

Just write about my Life, Quotes, friends, issues, problems. About starting a new season with no reason.. EMPIEZA A LEER

Out of Reach

"Do not fall into her trap. She's playing tricks on you. Not everything you see is true. Do not invest any feelings in her; it will only cost you. She's like helium, and you're the balloon. At first,… EMPIEZA A LEER

Quotes About Life

Quotes That Tell About Life EMPIEZA A LEER

Voices of insight

Man keeps on making many journeys on this earth throughout his life, during this time he keeps seeing and feeling the surrounding world and every aspect of nature. Due to this seeing and feeling, man… EMPIEZA A LEER

Watch over me

Living in this new normal is strange. Life is short and gives us so many reasons to chase our dreams. Dreaming big comes with facing the obstacles in our lives. Let's do that together:) EMPIEZA A LEER

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Isn't it just easier to worry when it doesn't help at all 🤷the worst and least helpful is usually not the smartest action yet our reserve. EMPIEZA A LEER

Amor Mutilado

Ana tem apenas 14 anos, mas já enfrenta muitos problemas pessoais. Uma linda garota com sorriso perfeito que deixa qualquer menino apaixonado, mas toda essa moral pra ela não basta, não a faz feliz.… EMPIEZA A LEER


This is not a book or a story just some of the quotes I've made on THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. These all quotes are made by me. I hope you will appreciate it and give some likes to it. THANK you in adv… EMPIEZA A LEER

Frases sueltas ...

Pensamientos Historia visual EMPIEZA A LEER

Lo que sentí por ti.

Hay amores que se quedan contigo para siempre, él se convirtió en ese amor que por más que tratara de olvidarlo, siempre volvía a mÍ con la misma incertidumbre y misterio. Él de una manera era disti… EMPIEZA A LEER

Lo que sentí por ti.

Hay amores que se quedan contigo para siempre, él se convirtió en ese amor que por más que tratara de olvidarlo, siempre volvía a mÍ con la misma incertidumbre y misterio. Él de una manera era disti… EMPIEZA A LEER

Naruto Quotes

"Naruto quotes" encompass a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration drawn from the beloved Naruto anime and manga series. These quotes are not just memorable lines but also powerful life lessons EMPIEZA A LEER

petit moi

Uma coletânea de poesias, textos, frases e versos soltos sobre uma pequena autista que sonhava em nunca crescer e, ao mesmo tempo, em ser uma grande mulher. → O conteúdo dessa obra é escrito em 5 id… EMPIEZA A LEER

Smooth Rap Quotes For Daily Motivation

Smooth rap quotes can be an incredibly powerful source of daily motivation EMPIEZA A LEER

Thought and quotes

My thoughts written as poems and quotes EMPIEZA A LEER