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The night of richard

the day was very fearfull in Richards life .

he was 15 years old and was living in Seoul city, with his parents and small sister who's name was Ella .

he and his sister was going to draprey school which is far from there house.to come to there house it would take half an hour and there school would start at 8:30 in morning and end at 5:30 in evening .

March 31 time 6:00 p.m

Richard was having a homework which was related to a book in his library, he was working on book .

his sister already went with Richards mother .

it was 8:00 p.m Richard was very tired and slept on the table ........

it was 2 p.m he heard diffrent sounds .he was scared . someone was calling him slowly Richard ...... Richard he was very frightend and then suddenly he heard foot steps ...... he was screming help . help pls don't come near me please he was requesting .

the foot steps were coming closer and closer s

he saw a women with axe .

he screamed so loud.

he got up from his sleep it was a scareful night mare she says .............. he gasps

he was very thirsty and was swetting but he had to go down for his classroom to get his water bottel .

no one were there he was walking on stairs slowly ........ slowly ....... slowly

Richard heard his foot steps then he saw ....... .................. a sacry thing wich he dint wanted to see .

what did Richard see ? was the school Haunted?

Nov. 21, 2021, 8:32 a.m. 0 Report Embed Follow story
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