अमर- गीता

amar gita is a practical, inspirational, spiritual, wealth-related book. amar gita is a life guide for, young age (14 - 30 years old), middle age (30-40 years of age) and for 40+ to 80+ . अमर गीता एक व्यावहारिक, प्रेरणादायक, आध्यात्मिक , समृद्धता से संबंधित पुस्तक है। अमर गीता, युवाओं(14 - 30 साल की उम्र ) , मध्यम आयु (30-40 वर्ष की आयु ) और 40 + से 80+ , के लिए जीवन मार्गदर्शक है

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wealth is the centre .

you are already following wealth .

I am just reminding you , you are on right path .

I came to give you the message of Truth .

I came to give you the message , be supreme / God.

I came to give you the message of wealth .

I ll talk about wealth and relate all things to wealth.

wealth is the centre.

wealth chart -

aim , money, social purpose , health, happiness, harmonious relationships, harmonious life, spiritual knowledge

- A-results

= wealth =

1. faith 2. brahamcharya management 3. visualization

4. time management 5. act

- B- practices

A - are the things/ results, that you want in life .

and to have your things /Results , the practices that you are following are -B

this all is wealth

i.e the results ( A ) & practices ( B ) is wealth .

These results ( A ) and practices ( B )are for whole life .we follow these results and practices from young age to 80+ .

if you look carefully , you are following these results and practices in your daily life , consciously or unconsciously .

if we follow these results and practices well , in our life then we are wealthy.

constantly keep following the wealth till the last of life.finally know that you are following wealth .

if you would ask me what am I following.I will answer -

I m following wealth .

lets start with a BOW and be wealthy .

June 1, 2021, 1:33 a.m. 0 Report Embed Follow story
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