liesxx Lies xx

It's all about my life journey and finding myself. And really trying to survive through this year. Good and bad moments whatever we deal with in life. We have to face it straight in the eye. Go and check it out:)

#24 in Poetry #1 in Satire All public.

#short-story #life #feelings #2020 #crazy-year #chaos
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Thoughts on 19 march 2020

What do you feel?

What do you really feel?

There is so much happening in the world.

So much what we are feeling.

It feels unrealistic.

It's hard to stay positive, but that's the only way we can get through this.

It's okay to be scared, but don't let your fear control your life.

I'm scared too, but the question is on who do you rely on?

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Oct. 5, 2020, 4:08 p.m. 1 Report Embed Follow story
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