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Age of Mystic Dragon

The war between good and evil has been going on since eternity. Cruelty may spread its wings over the entire sky or strengthen its roots upto 7 layers of the earth. Even then good prevails over evil.… START READING

Elderlore, Times of Rea (Book I)

In lands afar and of age unknown, an entire realm knows not of what malice approaches. What shall become of this world, the Hearthland, where various races have long settled and made their own. Will … START READING

ESTROYERS : À la recherche de l'épée sacrée

« Il est temps de reprendre ce que nos ancêtres avaient commencé ». Maïra, jeune écuyère d'une vingtaine d'années voit alors sa vie bouleversée à la suite de sa rencontre avec un guerrier du nom de O… START READING

Eyes Of The Secret

“I want to hide away from the secrets. And for those I already know of, I want to disappear…” Elena Martinez is a 20-year old college student. She has a dream or a nightmare—like every normal person… START READING

Royal Arcanum (Alternate #1 of the Arcanum Revelation Series)

Royals have secret, as much as anyone else’s. 17-year-old Cathy Charlotte thought that her mom still keeping a secret about their family. Until one day, odd things are starting to happen—the white h… START READING