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A Dangerous Love Story

Shikar (A Dangerous Love Story ) Book 1 The story that sweeps through time, Story about love and dignity. Story about a young girl who is mysteriously webbed in her past life, how her own life suffo… START READING

Après lui - 1

À dix-sept ans, Aaron est un adolescent en colère qui n'a jamais surmonté la mort tragique de son frère. Seul son ami le plus proche, Matt, a une influence positive sur lui, jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontr… START READING

Contos Recolhidos

Esses contos foram escritos especialmente para os desafios do Inkspired. Também incluo histórias inspiradas em temas propostos para desafios dos quais não participei. Alguns deles foram revisados e c… START READING

Dear Billie Holiday and Miss Maya Angelou

Letter Billie Holiday and Miss Maya Angelou START READING


In the midst of my own personal turmoil, I, Ellie Adams, a successful writer, sought refuge from the chaos by escaping to Chicago. Little did I know that this impromptu trip would become a turning po… START READING

El fuego de la pasión

Esta novela será como la pasión... historias cortas y largas, no entiende de razas, ni de orientaciones sexual, sin tabúes. Con este libro espero llegar a lo profundo de tu alma lujuriosa y hacerte v… START READING


Alex and Robyn have shared a impassioned relationship until they part, 60 days before this night, with an unaffirmed promise. Their desire for each other remains obvious. Will this one night end wi… START READING

Falling- a realistic romance

Darkness consumed his heart, soul, mind. Darkness isn't the only thing that consumed his being, no. Alcohol. Drugs. Endless, meaningless sex. That was Matt walker before her....before Novah Nelson. B… START READING

Fear to Dark

"La familia Joestar son estrellas luchando en la noche... Tú ahora eres una estrella consumiéndose. Me da miedo pensar que me vas a dejar en esta obscuridad, alumbrame más ¿si? Jotaro" Long-fic. Pa… START READING


Um incendio da maior faculdade da cidade, um filhinho de papai ameaçado e uma dançarina ruiva obssessiva. Se veste de diaba. E talvez o seja... START READING

Forbidden Desires

Sometimes, it's not about being in love. Sometimes it's just for fun. Sometimes it's because they can. And sometimes it's for their own pleasure. Whatever their reason, these people are giving into… START READING

Forbidden Flames

Sometimes, it's not about being in love. For some it's just because they can. For some it's just for fun. And for some, it's to get ahead. Once they had a taste, they couldn't just leave it at that… START READING

Forbidden Passions

Sometimes, it's not about being in love. For some, it's just because they can. For some, it's just for fun. And for some, it's to get ahead. Whatever their reason, these students are letting themse… START READING

For You

Maeve and Will had been best friends since the tender age of six, a childhood friendship that held a hidden secret, closed within Maeve's heart - Will was her first love. But their world shattered w… START READING

For you | A vampire seduction

Rachel always had a boring life. She hardly believes in the existence of soul mates and everything that has to do with it. What she hardly knows is that she has one, and on top of that, he is a va… START READING

Horny Honey

In a world where being sexual was simply rolling around on the bed and doing the simple acts of pleasure, Fiona was not a fan of such places. She knew she wanted more than what her fiancée was offeri… START READING

I Wrote You

Dedicated for the silly and the strong whose bodies lay static on bathroom floors and whose souls float byond the galaxy. For you, lovely soul. START READING


Une jeune fille de 18 ans audacieuse , calculatrice , vicieuse ,n'ayant pas froid au yeux et doté d'une immense beauté est prête à jouer de ses atouts pour obtenir ce qu'elle veut . START READING

La vida no siempre es color de Rosa

El mundo esta lleno de secretos. Nadie te dirá totalmente la verdad porque nadie esta listo para esta. La verdad suele dañar a las personas, lastimas sentimientos o hasta terminar matándolos. Es por … START READING


(MATURE CONTENT!!) When my hand buried itself in his hair from his shoulder, I felt the hardness of his manhood at the entrance of my womanhood. I continued kissing, ignoring that he was there. His … START READING

Opposite Words

Get ready to meet Veronica, a girl with a heart bigger than the world, fresh out of her native country. Despite missing her deceased mother buried in Colombia, she feels happy, as she struggles with … START READING

Tangled Up in Blue

A grieving college freshman falls for a magnetic veteran with a devastating secret that threatens to unravel their love and their futures... START READING

The Balcony

Can a wild girl force her socialite friend to marry the man the wild girl loves? START READING

The Bridge Girl Paradox – The 1999 Paradox: 6

Paradoxes, a complex and thought-provoking topic that has always aroused our curiosity and promises to knot our brains. "What is, has been. And what is to be, has been." Ecclesiastes 3:15 In … START READING

The Broken Hearts Story

The maniacal obsession with the career is the reason why the relationship between the model, Raquelle Cameron, and the actor, Terrence MacClife is on the brink of collapse, even if their friends and … START READING

The Faux-Philosopher

What do you do when you've been diagnosed with clinical depression and no one cares to know why? You waste your time having fun of course! I'm Bobert, and I only have few more months left in high sch… START READING

The Happy Prince

A statue who, at one time, was a real prince. He was happy when alive, because he was kept ignorant of any sadness or suffering outside his palace walls. His life was one of joy and fulfilled desires… START READING

The Mell Precedent — The 1999 Paradox: 5

'Always doing the same thing and hoping for a different outcome is the very definition of insanity." Albert Einstein In the previous sequel to "The 1999 Paradox: The Terminator Pardox, after… START READING

The Wave Of Emotions

The pain of coping with loss. We experienced Hope Grieving over the world losing Faith. And Death calling Time to check on Hope. And Destiny writing a letter to Hope. START READING

Treffen der Blicke

Eine Geschichte einer kurzen Anziehung. START READING

Untold Sorrow

When Jennifer buried her love the time stopped and she was no longer alive. What the benefits of life for a woman who lives without a heart. When she met Matthew Smith she read the story of her Sorro… START READING


Intriguing characters, battles between good and evil, forgiveness and passion are the highlights of this book. What more could a reader wish? “Unveiling” is a series of tales that narrate Ana's adven… START READING

A la recherche du bonheur

Ne dit on pas que quand on a l'argent on à le monde à ses pieds ainsi que le bonheur . Mais avec tout cet argent sans un homme à nos côté notre bonheur n'est qu'à moitié et la société nous pointe du … START READING

Alexa Mission P6

« Tuer ou être tuer » , seule la loi du plus fort reste la meilleure et ça, la petite Alexa le maîtrise très bien. Âgée seulement de 18ans et ayant un passé assez mouvementé et sanglant, Découvrez le… START READING

Al fin, para siempre

Los unió un libro, los separó el tiempo y, una vez más, un libro los reunirá. START READING

Alma al desnudo

Escribir es exponerse al mundo; mostrar los lados buenos y malos de la vida. Es hablar de lo incómodo, abrazar la rareza, admirar lo imperfecto. Este libro, y sus poemas, están dirigidos para ese am… START READING

A love of a lifetime

The love of your soul what you feel about him!!! START READING


-es-ce que je vais mourir ? Pose t-elle la voix étranglée. - es-ce que tu a envie de mourir ?. Terrifier Ella affronte l’homme au regard abstrait , un crie étouffé au fond de la gorge , mais alors qu… START READING

Amar é mais difícil que matar

Alice, uma jovem estudante de direito, se envolve com um homem mais velho. Ao decorrer desse relacionamento, ela descobre coisas horríveis sobre Salvador. START READING

Amour interdit

Joana Smith une jeune fille belle et charmante épouse un homme appelé Carlos Rayés plus âgée qu'elle quand elle emménage chez lui les choses se compliquent quand elle fait la connaissance de Bruno le… START READING

Anatomía de mi amante

Historia de dos amantes que no se atreven a entregarse. START READING

À Travers Toi

Moi, c'est Alison, et j'ai dix-sept ans. J'aimerais vous raconter une histoire – mon histoire. Vous vous demandez sûrement : 'Qu'est-ce que l'amour ?' Eh bien, moi aussi. C'est pour ça que j'ai chois… START READING


“I stalked your account on Instagram and found a couple of reels and photos. I must say, I loved how your body looked in that little black see - through swimwear that barely covered your wonderfully… START READING

De l'amour à l'enfer

Salut moi c'est Emma je vais vous racontez une histoire, la mienne celle que j'ai vécu durant c'est trois dernières années. Des violences conjugales et un enfer sans fin. je vous laisse découvrir tou… START READING

dr Roberta l Treasure Behavioral Health

Treasure Behavioral Health, under the guidance of Dr Roberta and our experienced team of licensed professionals, is a leading mental health and wellness center dedicated to providing compassionate an… START READING


This began as a summary of my own personal tale at what was at the time my new job, and how it began unfolding with the recurrence of characters in a story I had pictured differently for myself. Let'… START READING


Meet Robyn, as she tells her side of the day when she and Alex parted despite their still obvious need for each other. START READING

Eye Blink

"In 'The Logistics Dreamer,' follow the inspiring journey of Kwame, a young man from Cameroon with big dreams of making his mark in the world of logistics. Fueled by ambition and determination, Kwame… START READING

Fate of love

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying. START READING

Finir Sans Raison

Espérance était une personne simple, parfois trop, qui se contentait d'avancer dans la vie comme un bulldozer, écrasant le moindre problème d'un haussement d'épaules ou d'un poing bien placé, sans vr… START READING


El nacimiento de Miroslava esconde muchos secretos después de cumplir 18 todos esos secretos serán revelados teniendo que tomar una decisión qué cambiará su vida START READING

Hearts stolen in the night.

A short story of crime and the compassion of an entire community. START READING

Hold Onto Me

On the night of Rio's birthday his whole existence changed . He understood the value of people who were always there for him . He understood just like the light and dark are the most important part t… START READING

Honestly, Me

This collection of poems is honestly, me. Every passionate emotion molded into words of eloquence or egotism or even plain English. There is no goal for these poems, only that they are as vibrant as … START READING

Hors de ma rue

Louis aime la vie. À vingt-trois ans, ce jeune étudiant en droit respire l'optimisme. Aisé, épicurien dans l'âme et bon samaritain, rien ne peut ébranler cet amoureux du plaisir. Rien mis à part l'ar… START READING


Dans un pays imaginaire nommé Makoua, en plein cœur de la ville de boridor, y vie l'une des familles les plus influentes du pays ; les Bengou. Un matin de Noël, Rachelle Bengou est retrouvée morte da… START READING

Je n’aime que toi.

Elisabeth et Liam se connaissent depuis le jardin d'enfant. Amis depuis toujours, il ne se sont jamais vraiment avoué que leur proximité était bien plus que de l'amitié. A la mort de sa grand mère, … START READING

Je raconte un peu de tout

Voici une petite présentation de moi START READING

Justice ou vengeance

Tout a un début,un milieu et une fin. Chaque personne,bonne ou mauvaise a une histoire à raconter. Que se passe t’il quand la vie d’une jeune fille est bouleversé par un homme qui a brisé sa vie? Que… START READING

Just One Night…

Sarah est jeune, libérée, provocante et fêtarde. Bruno est séducteur, charmeur, sportif et un brin arrogant. Tous deux enchaînent les conquêtes et les relations sans lendemain. Entre les deux, une r… START READING

La loi du desordre

"Quand amour et pouvoir s'entremêlent, la seule solution contre le désordre c'est le pouvoir de l'amour et non l'amour du pouvoir". Il est là pour gouverner et rétablir l'ordre. Elle est là pour met… START READING

Lasă-mă să te iubesc

" -Sunt stricat, inima mea nu mai are sens să bată! mi-a soptit cu vocea plină de durere - Lasa-mă să fiu eu sensul bătăii tale! i-am soptit la rândul meu. Lasa-mă să te iubesc! i-am zis înainte sa… START READING

Les Liens Brisés

Dans la paisible petite ville des Turner, Richard et Amelia vivent un mariage tourmenté depuis vingt ans. Leur relation est devenue un terrain de disputes incessantes, les poussant à une haine profon… START READING


An old flame stops by with a little surprise. START READING

love or attraction

Your looks chain me to you, your eyes undress my being, I feel the heat increase every time your hands touch me and I, unable to speak, implore you with my gaze to want more. Your body chains to min… START READING


Pera Silahtar; kendisiyle barışık olmayan, depresif, travmatik bir geçmişe sahip, hayatta hedefleri ve gayeleri olmayan, paranoyak ve alemci bir kadındır. Bir sabah, bir otel odasında uyanır. Yanında… START READING

My Little Bad Boy

Un nouveau commencement sans problème c'est ce qu'elle voulait mais c'était sans compter sur Connor Lewis, le parfait bad boy, beau, séducteur et arrogant et surtout insupportable qui va tout faire p… START READING

My love story

Brook Davis est une jeune femme de 25 ans qui échappant à son passé trouve refuge à Manhattan où elle réfère sa vie . Gardant une haine profonde contre les hommes , elle se refuse d'être amoureuse. … START READING

Ode à la beauté des passions.Tome 1.

Le bonheur se vit ,se crée et s'espère. START READING

One More Night

The grieving process of losing the one you care for START READING

Oui, Monsieur.

Ezra Sleaw. Je m’appelle ainsi. Je viens d’avoir 18 ans. Alors que la vie d’adulte s’ouvrait à moi afin de réaliser mes rêves de gamine. Sans crier garde, du jour au lendemain. Tout cela n’était que … START READING

Our love story

Sally is a simple girl in the prime of life and lives only with her mother and her hobby is reading ! * One day she and her mother decide to move to Chicago and there she meets the love of her life. START READING

Over The Crescent Moon



A quick short story about staying together START READING


To over come her dads wishes, she falls for he boardguard Which angeres her dad, what will he do after Come along I hope u'd love it all @ladear START READING

Recueil 1 - D’un nouvelle Amour

Recueil de poésie axée sur l’amour. START READING

Silk & Chain 2.5 "Snow Angel: A Christmas Miracle" (english version)

A little Christmas story of our favorite couple, Silk and Chain, a gift for all readers who loved this couple! Chain: - I was ten years old when I was told that if I wanted my Guardian Angel to sta… START READING

Silk & Chain 2: Διεστραμμένο Παιχνίδι

🔞 Η λύτρωση για το ζευγάρι μας, ήρθε με το πιο ακατόρθωτο κι επικίνδυνο πράγμα, την αγάπη. Παρολαυτά, το άσπλαγχνο παρελθόν απλώνει τα πλοκάμια του για να πνίξει την ευτυχία τους, που μόλις ξεκίνησ… START READING

The redhead maiden

My second poem, Enjoy it! START READING

The Unexpected

This is the story of what happens when two unexpected people falls in love, START READING

Venierreaze: Rise Of Evyna

Evyna, one of Venierreaze's greatest warriors to have ever lived. What happens when Nina, Evyna's sister, is kidnapped and experimented on for her peculiar gem? Unlike any other, Nina's gem is believ… START READING

What Killed 🩸Cassandra?

In the wake of her best friend's death, Arial discovers that her life has been built on lies. Her husband has a picture of her friend in his study, and she doesn't know why. As she delves deeper into… START READING


In finding out self out of life, immerse yourself into your passion START READING


Hyuuga Hanabi, a chefe do departamento de engenharia de produção das indústrias têxteis Saru, acaba por indiretamente, provocar um grande prejuízo para seu chefe, que então decide demiti-la. Desesper… START READING

El primer encuentro

Una posible historia de dos jovenes que se conocen en un café, ninguno de los dos veía venir lo que el destino les había deparado... Tal vez estén juntos o tal vez no... START READING