Etimbuk Hanson Folgen

I am a Nigerian who loves writing and I want to grow my writing skills with readers here. Uyo, Nigeria.
4.6k Wörter
BEIGETRETEN Mär 24, 2021

Meine Stories

All My Fault

Nicht überprüfte Geschichte I wish I did not embark on the dare but I did anyways and did not have to blame myself too much. Ill blame this on my background and upbringing but regardless of this, I will love to reright all wrongs.
3.1k Abrufe 1 Neues Kapitel Alle 2 Tage
Interaktive Geschichte

Hi Suicide

Nicht überprüfte Geschichte What a fucken gun night Wow... Is that hi daughter?
2.0k Abrufe 1 Neues Kapitel Jeden Montag

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