DoraTheExplorer Folgen

Well... I'm a teenage girl that loves horror books. I love writing! Follow me on wattpad! Username; Dora_The_Explorer16 Lagos, Nigeria.
12.2k Wörter
BEIGETRETEN Jul 06, 2020
Inka Knight Level 3

Meine Stories

Home Sweet Home

Nicht überprüfte Geschichte Evelyn Hayes casually stepped out of her apartment to attend her friend's birthday party, little did she know that would be the beginning of her problems. Notice; This story is fiction and some places in the book aren't real.
3.3k Abrufe 2 1 Abgeschlossene Geschichte

Finding Humanity

Nicht überprüfte Geschichte Reese together with a squad that saved her life, are faced with the pandemic that wiped away civilization in Los Angeles and other parts of the United States of America. Through betrayal, hunger and the other atrocities, they struggle to survive in …
1.6k Abrufe 3 1 Neues Kapitel Jeden Samstag

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