sten-during Sten Düring

The billion dollar empress is back in town. Without her empire, and most definitely without a billion dollars. After her transition and arrival in a world where she was never born fifty years earlier, Christina Agerman has started to rebuild her life as a high school student in Japan. She has found friends and love, and now it's time to restart the fashion empire she never created. But it comes at a cost. How strong are those ties of friendship and love when she starts out on a road she has to walk alone?

Jugendliteratur Nicht für Kinder unter 13 Jahren. © All rights reserved

#mystery #romance #drama #highschool #japan #sweden #oln #light novel #romcom #teen #school #tokyo #love #high school #oeln #high-school #light-novel #lightnovel #sci fi
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Midsummer's eve, 2040, leaving the garden

Most of them stayed in the garden, but Christina didn't blame them. Even Swedes got badly drunk during this kind of dinner parties, and most of the guests were from Japan.

Garden. Yes, that was an apt description. But she had held these kind of parties in her previous life, so she knew exactly what to look for this time. A place to create a dream of Sweden. An illusion.

Luckily enough one of their shared acquaintances preferred spending summers in France rather than Sweden, and her home was the perfect match for a midsummer's party with a lot of guests. Christina spent a full day preparing the garden so that it looked more like a rustic paradise than the multimillionaire mingle party area that it really was.

Christina remembered the parties of her first life. More people, and more boring. She wondered what Ulf remembered from his first. Did he even think of that upstream world any longer?

11. Juni 2015 07:02 1 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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