Im Fortschritt - Neues Kapitel Alle 30 Tage
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Part One

Weird, Different, Odd, Unique, One of a kind

But mostly A GHOST A Ghost to People, A Ghost to this World.

For as long as I could remember I had always been told that I was different, that I was SPECIAL... And deep down I knew it. Deep down I could feel this gut feeling that followed me everywhere, that followed me throughout my childhood up until now. A feeling that surrounds my body and takes over my soul, something igniting a flame but had just been a little damp, a flame sparking up every chance it can get but too windy to hold.

But knowing we don't live in a fairy tale I knew that couldn't be true, that it would only be a wish a hope a dream. So I pushed it down! And for so many years I clouded my feelings, making myself believe that, that's what adults are supposed to say, something to make you feel like you are worth more than what you are.

But instead I believed I was less. I guess because i didn't get the finer things in life, the expensive clothes phones or shoes instead I was taught that what you create is the real magic, creating things from nothing, staining happy memories for later on life, filling up your bubble of colourfulness and creativity. Instead lifes about MONEY! New Clothes, What and how your supposed to look like, High Education a good paying fucking job!! A job you don't even like to get up to every fucking day, just so you can pay for the littlest of things in life. JUST TO SURVIVE!

That's fucked up! and what makes it worse is that we have people thinking they have to win in life. Thinking if they have everything then they'll be happy... But that's all bullshit, the truth, the true meaning of happiness to life is what you make it! It's what makes you feel happy! It's the no regrets, not to get to the top of the fucking leader-board! Because then what... Instead make a change! If your not willing to try put a stop to the harm being done to this world our lives and the future, why are you here? tell me! You could make the tinniest of change, do whatever you can do! Don't sit around saying how I can help, to then turning a blind eye! Do something, create change or at least put positively back into the world.

20. Oktober 2022 04:17 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
Fortsetzung folgt… Neues Kapitel Alle 30 Tage.

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