naiche-ianson1637132898 Nahkshon Kramer

What is the soul?? Ever wanted to meet your soul, become better acquainted? Can the soul be described as tangible?? For thousands of years the Jewish people have been the guardian's of ancient knowledge that connects humanity to it's source, creation with its creator, Benai Navim/ The children of prophets. Unlock the wisdom of one of the oldest living cultures & faiths to delve deep into what makes the human soul tick. Let's tackle the big questions & ask that biggest one of all, is there life after death..

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What is a soul??

What exactly is a soul? Are they tangible? Can you pin point where a soul resides or where it came from? who Is your soul? Are you well acquainted & comfortable with it or is all this soul talk really just backwards nonsense from a more ignorant primitive time? What pull does the idea of our soul really have in a modern age of medicine & technological advancements? All these questions & many more have plagued & intrigued the human psyche throughout all recorded history with views severely changing over the coarse of time. We plan to tackle & answer here in this book for you these questions & so much more.

Before we get better acquainted with your soul let me get you a little more acquainted with this soul. Ani Nahkshon Na-im Meod, my name is Nahkshon & it is a pleasure to meet you. I want to take you on a journey to better understand your soul & the nature of all souls in a very intimate & personal way through the ancient & hidden knowledge of my people the Jewish people & our sages & Rabbi's. I am going to share with you esoteric wisdom encoded from biblical & rabbinic texts, the knowledge from people of the bible.

1. August 2022 22:25 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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