Im Fortschritt
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Russias wars

I woke up from the sound of bombs across the street. Russia had invaded cairo city. I heard it on the news the other day about how we apparently had done something wrong which caused Russia to want to invade our city. They threatened us with nuclear weapons. People scared one another's saying there was gonna be a world war 3 ahead. I hid under my duvet every time I heard a bomb got off. You could here the sound of screaming outside the window. People running around shouting at each other. I was alone at the time. I dont no where my mother is. I couldn't stop thinking. "what if my mother died" i went to sleep sweating with fear. All I did all night was cry at the thought that at the end of this year everyone could be dead. I don't no what is ukaraine had done to cause this war. I heard another bomb. There was planes flying over head. Helicopters here and there. I managed to get out of my building with my naibours. We took the back door and hid in the shelter underground to protect us. We didn't want to die. Russia was taking over our country. We set of bombs every where around us. Russia was surrounded as much as we was. Once again they threatened us with nuclear bombs. I always wondered if we all would die some day. I tried to stay calm, I gripped on to my naibour crying my eyes out. Russia didn't even think about the kids who are having to suffer from dieing parents. All they would say is thing like, well your country should have provided us with more resources. So there we go, ukaraine apparently didn't provide Russia with the right resources. I heard the sound of a sunshot right outside the shelter. This was worse then I could image a tsunami to be like. I heard one person say "there's kids, why are you doing this. Please" I screamed until my naibour told me to shut up because otherwise Russia may here me under here. I saw that I was bleeding and that I had scars all over me. I wanted to scream again but I couldn't. Not without dieing anyway. There was a bomb placed on the corner of my block. It Was lucky we managed to get waway or we would have blown up like a ballon.

I fell asleep late last night. We opend up the roof of our shelter and realised Russia had left. There was body's every where. I heard mum's and dad's crying over the body's of there dead kids. Why had Russia left? I realised a huge black bomb on the overside of the city. I wondered is this is? Is this the nuclear bomb? I ran over to it and read it had 5 days till it was gonna blow up. I just want a minuite of silance to anyone who listening right now. To now that hopefully we are going to be OK. I saw many trucks driving up the road ahead. I ran to the closest person to me to tell them we need to get away and quick. On the back of one of the trucks they had a cannon. I new now that we was gonna die. There's was news reporter's spread around everywhere not even thinking of the risks there taking. I saw one person grap another girl buy the hair and pin her down. It was horrible seeing us in a crises like this. I couldn't even think about what others were thinking right now. Why? Why us!? Why now? Sometimes I thought it was best to die. I had no one left. There was no point any way. I was gonna die. Everyone was going to die. There was blood slatted every where around our city. There dams was empty. There was nothing to eat to drink to do. All I could do was run. Far away from here. I had a better chance of surving if I ran to a calm country, who isn't in war at this very minuite. I sat by the side of the lake. Arms crossed crying and screaming. Mum, dad. Where was they? I saw a boat coming my way. Help I screamed. They stopped beside me and lifted up on board. Maybe I was gonna be safe after all....

I went to the base of the large boat hoping to find some food. They said though that they had nothing. It was sad to now that I'll never see my family again. Was this gonna go on for ever. There was police everywhere, ambulances everywhere. I cried for hours a day. At least I was safe in this boat with people who actually cared for those in danger. They took me to St Grange hospital to get looked at. I reconized the nurse! Bro? Is that you? My brother left me years back and now I think I've found him "yes bro it is me." wow, I did find him. "uh." I burst into tears and hugged him tightly! "it's ok" he told me whilst checking my scars. He laid me onto the hospital bed. He took me to get stitches. It was just yesturday that I was safe in the shelter. I screamed once again, waking all the sick people up. I felt bad in the end. My brother took me to his house in the UK. I finally felt safe. My brother I think was the only part of my family to be alive. My mum and dad was dead I assumed. When I arrived at the UK, it was beautiful. There was happy people. My brother took me to his house and as I walked I realised 2 people who was sitting there crying there eyes out. It was my mum and dad. MUM, Dad I screamed "omg darling, we have been so worried, we thought you was dead." " no im fine" although I wasent. I lived happily ever after 😍

5. März 2022 13:28 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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