Mikhail DuRall

We have also started to research the history of Greece and theater, so we hope to share this hard work with a myriad of people soon.

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Summer – Month 3

Surprisingly, Summer went by fairly quickly but still unbearably challenging. At least we are here at the end finally, but I think it will be a while before the temperatures reflect the change of seasons. It will be nice whenever that change decides to happen, however.

Finally taught myself how to sew a few more types of clothes, so I will be dedicating the majority of time moving up the ranks of clothes. My first step will be a type of basketball shorts that I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing but should at least make me some money. No matter what, it has been nice staying and keeping my mind busy and off the crazy state of my life.

I shouldn’t complain though, compared to the lives of the characters in the movie Truth or Dare I recently watched, my life is easy and long. I do sometimes wish it was a little more interesting, though, like the people in Vampire Diaries season 1 that I am about halfway through. The day-to-day mundanity is starting to take its toll on me again but I should have more opportunity to escape from that soon.

For now, Skyrim is doing a decent job of providing that. I travelled to Solstheim for the very first time this past month and gathered all the Aetherium Shards too. The latter was actually a very interesting story and I chose to create the Artherium Staff, so it has been quite fun to have my own little Dwarven Spiders and Gyros following me around. No Centurians, though. I also just started playing Batman: Arkham City once again and am looking forward to all the new content I missed out on in the game of the year edition.

The play of “Antigone” is coming along quite well and we have been working on blocking and practicing lines. I have also set out to help someone else take an in-depth examination of our director’s view and the play as a whole. We have also started to research the history of Greece and theater, so we hope to share this hard work with a myriad of people soon. For now, we are still aiming for a late October weekend to open and will only be running the play for that weekend. It will be enjoyable and inspirational for some, and the complete opposite for others. Either way, I hope people get an opportunity to watch it then.

22. August 2021 02:32 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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