
Erneut suchen

Alianza de Sangre (ESPAÑOL)

Los seres mágicos viven entre los humanos desde el inicio de los tiempos. Seis de estos jóvenes se encuentran sumergidos dentro de un mundo mágico que está al borde de una sanguinaria guerra. ¿Será… BEGINNE ZU LESEN


~English version of "Ve Lanet Sona Erer"~ A lonely wizard prince who has escaped from his father and a witch who wants to end the curse and seek revenge for herself and all the witches and wizards..… BEGINNE ZU LESEN


~English version of "Ve Lanet Sona Erer"~ A lonely wizard prince who has escaped from his father and a witch who wants to end the curse and seek revenge for herself and all the witches and wizards..… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

El hijo preferido «Dinastía Merlín»¹

El mundo mágico esconde los misterios más enigmáticos y oscuros que muy pocos llegan a descubrir o quizás todos tienen la dicha de saber. Ante la solicitud de Dumbledore, la vacante de DCAO es ocupad… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Kyle the Apprentice Warlock

Enter the world of Kyle Watkins, the most average everyday warlock he could possibly be. Who also happens to have wizard powers. His closest coworker is constantly arriving at work covered in blood a… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Labyrinth Of His Heart

Sometimes the way people act can be misleading and cause a misunderstanding of that person’s real personality. Elora Felch saw right through Draco Malfoy’s hard shell the moment they first met. Elor… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

O Ramalhete Carmesim

Uma coletânea de pequenos contos focados em Elias e Chise, colocando-os em diversas situações e/ou versões que a imaginação permitir descrever. BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Royal Blood

Anaya, once promised a throne and then disappointed with a husband, Rualyn. The two find themselves in an alliance, one finding purpose in revenge and the other finding home in love. As they begin th… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Sons of Eden

At the brink of an apocalypse, the fate of two worlds rest upon Vaan and Blaine's shoulders. Across scorching deserts of ash, and turbulent, bloody seas, they set to reclaim their rightful throne and… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Tale of Tales

* Tale of Tales is a High/Epic Fantasy saga based on the motifs of ancient myths, legends, and forgotten fairytales * Senka is no hero, but you never know what is coming for you. And if that burns d… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The Demon of Locerus

"All I want from you is what you already aim to do: Kill the Demon of Locerus." Mithmeia Rhyre is on the hunt for the man, the monster, summoning blackened demons to raze towns and kidnap children.… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The Masked Caper (MI/Plane 6)

A man of war has to find peace with what he's done in order to move forward into the future will he achieve redemption or will his sins never be forgiven. BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The Mighty Antimagic Spell

Who would expect a story titled ANTIMAGIC to be about wizards, mystical creatures and fantastic, unusual adventures? Yet, it really is ... It's even more than that. You'll see if you read the story… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

A Bruxa Perdida

Esqueça do que você ja ouviu e leu sobre Harry Potter, porque não te contaram toda a historia. E se Lilian e James Potter tivessem tido uma outra garota? e se na noite do assassinato do casal, uma … BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Andrew and the Mighty Pen

Andrew never expected that writing about his own made-up world would somehow take him there. Now he must face the challenges of Dahiina, as he travels through a harrowing adventure, new to magic and … BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Avery Parker: Una Brujita del Siglo XXI

Avery es una joven que siempre ha creído en la magia, gracias a un libro de Harry Potter que su madre le dejó antes de desaparecer. Sin embargo, su vida en el mundo real está lejos de ser mágica. Viv… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Black Magic Child

El pueblo Geralt luce como si todos los días fuese un funeral. ¡La ironía! Louis debe regresar a este y reunirse con su abuela ante el fallecimiento de su tío lejano. La estadía en casa de la ancia… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Chronos: Lua Amaldiçoada

Em um mundo onde tudo é real, a fantasia existe e o impossível não tem significado, os Irmãos Chronos passarão por diversos desafios. Junto de outros jovens prodígios no Colégio Millenium para Aprend… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Complete setup Guide for the Setup Wizard Setup Wizard is used to boost the net connection in a ways edges of Home & Office.Mywifiext setup Wizard is just a nearby net deal with and it specially makes use of a Net equipment var… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Complete setup Guide for the Setup Wizard Setup Wizard is used to boost the net connection in a ways edges of Home & Office.Mywifiext setup Wizard is just a nearby net deal with and it specially makes use of a Net equipment var… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Harry Potter OCs

Mis personajes para futuras historias en el universo de Harry potter BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Hermione Granger y El Cáliz de Fuego

Después de la muerte del Señor Tenebroso. La venganza de los nuevos Mortifagos de la dinastía Gagnon. resurge de la oscuridad con la única misión de atrapar y maldecir el linaje de Hermione Granger… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

História do Instituto Mágico Yellowstone

Venha conhecer a história do RPG que mais procura misturar a ficção com a realidade, com interações perfeitas, nativos americanos, bruxos poderosos, supervulcões e muito mais. BEGINNE ZU LESEN


A letter about an adventure with action, castles, and foes. All in this heroic series of short stories that take place In Middle World. It takes place in the city of Breel and for years this city wa… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Just A Dream - Happiness depends only on you

What would you do if from day to night you knew you were a wizard? Okay, do not think this is another Harry Potter fanfic. What you will see and witness in the yellow pages of my diary is much more… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Pure Flower

Taehyung é diferente, as pessoas do povoado o odeiam. Embora uma carinhosa família o tenha acolhido quando bebê, ainda questiona suas origens. Um dia, o feiticeiro mercador Jungkook surge com sua ca… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

SEQUELA: El Legado

Después de lo ocurrido en Hogwarts, Nyx tenia que volver a luchar otra batalla. Una que solo ella debía enfrentar. Debía volver a casa y eso conllevaba recordar cual era su apellido y cual era su re… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Sihirli Dünya: Varislerin yükselişi

Stephen normal bir hayat yaşadığını sanıyordu. Ta ki bir gün okula giderken parlak bir ışık yayan o kılıcı görene kadar. Dünya ve Sihirli Dünya'nın kaderi onun elindeydi. "𝘒𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘭ığı𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘶𝘯 𝘵𝘦𝘬… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Smut- Harry Potter BOYS

Un libro con cortas historias con algunos personajes de Harry Potter. Todos los créditos a sus respectivos autorxs. Este libro incluye: - Contenido +18 - Lenguaje obseno - Obsenidad - Sadismo -Maso… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Tales of Arcadia - Another tale

Hisirdoux Casperan, aprendiz do grande mago Merlim, passou exatos 905 anos trabalhando para Merlin melhorando suas habilidades para ser digno de ser chamado de um mago, contudo mal sabia Douxie que e… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The Beginning of an End

For four years, Raven has been struggling to be taken seriously by her peers at the London National Security Academy (London NSU). Her Askian powers and skills are limited and weak compared to those … BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The Majo Story - Fallen Star

A girl by the name of Tamashi Heiwa meets an otherworldly prince, and the two fall in love with each other. The Majo world they live in is full of friendly people, but menacing wizards and witches th… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The Merchant of our Chilly Kings

Can you and your friends master the ocean's magic and save your school? BEGINNE ZU LESEN

The witch’s apprentice

In a world ravaged by dark forces, a boy is born under a cursed prophecy: he is destined to be the Destroyer. Raised in secrecy, he is unexpectedly taken under the wing of an ancient order of witches… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Un baile que no quiero terminar.

Si algo venimos aprendiendo, es que aún en los mundos más fantásticos, hay historias del día a día. Y hoy, nos escabullimos hasta el bolsillo de un poeta y dramaturgo, para pedirle prestado un peque… BEGINNE ZU LESEN


Unveiling the Enigma: Witch, Wizard, and Marine - Unveiling the Differences" Once upon a time, in a realm where magic intertwined with the vast seas, the enchanting world was inhabited by extraordin… BEGINNE ZU LESEN

Wizarding World (La Gran Tenochtitlan)

La Incursión del Colegio de Magia Mexicana Tenochtitlan, a la Élite de los Colegio de Hechicería y Magia en el Mundo. Aunado a una serie de eventos donde Embajadores de Otras Escuelas se ven involucr… BEGINNE ZU LESEN