Simple, transparent pricing.
On Inkspired, reading, writing, and publishing are free, so...

Warum für Premium entscheiden?

Lesen Sie werbefrei und without limits

Keine Anzeigen mehr anzeigen! Access to hundreds of stories and e-books exclusively under Premium und offline reading without restrictions on your phone. Also, Unlimited reading lists.

Veröffentlichen Sie wie ein Profi.

Expand your monetization alternatives. Unleash the full power of your own memberships und Newsletters.

Verbessere deinen Schreibstil und entdecke das einfache Veröffentlichen im Internet

Greifen Sie auf BETA-Reader zu, get your stories verified faster, write with co-authors, keep track of your own writing goals, and more...

Unleash community reach

Launch your own Writing Contests. Participate in special events for creators and authors. Increase the visibility of your story with free promotion packs. Sehr schneller technischer Support!

No level restrictions

Access all features without needing to Level Up, create multiple Universes for your novels and sagas, export your stories in every format.

Schalte Inkspired Writer für Mac und Windows frei, um das volle Potenzial auszuschöpfen

Schreibe offline, sync anywhere, überall veröffentlichen. Erfahre mehr über die Vorteile der Verwendung von Inkspired Writer app.

Upgrade to a premium plan today!

Pay monthly
Pay yearly 2 Monaten Kostenlos


$6 / Monat
Wähle Premium
  • Lese gratis.
  • Access to unique stories and e-books.
  • Unlimited reading lists.
  • Save up to 10 offline stories on mobile, Extended time, Gratis.

  • Fee on sales transactions 20%.
  • Up to 3 membership plans for your readers.
  • Vorrangige Verifizierung deiner Geschichten.
  • 4 requests of BETA Leser / Monat. Weiterlesen.

  • Inkspired Writer App für Mac oder Windows herunterladen. Weiterlesen.

  • Co-authoring.
  • Inclusion on the featured creators list.
  • Passe die Farben f[r die unterschiedlichen Themen an und background pictures.
  • Vorrangige Unterstützung in 3 Werktage.
  • 80 Ergänzende.
Wähle Premium

Premium Plus

$16 / Monat
Wähle Premium Plus
  • Everything in Premium, und...
  • Unlimited offline reading on mobile.

  • Fee on sales transactions 15%.
  • Unbegrenzte Mitgliedschaftspläne für Ihre Leser, plus rewards.
  • 1 Newsletters / Monat (up to 15,000 e-mails).
  • 8 requests of BETA Leser / Monat. Weiterlesen.

  • 50% of service fee discount for Self-Publishing-Dienste.

  • Make your stories secret.
  • Exportieren nach PDF, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, TXT.
  • Vorrangige Unterstützung in 1 Werktage.
  • 160 Ergänzende.
Wähle Premium Plus

Premium Pro

$24 / Monat
Wähle Premium Pro
  • Everything in Premium Plus, und...
  • Fee on sales transactions 8%.
  • Manage automatic split sales revenue between co-authors.
  • 4 Newsletters / Monat (up to 50,000 e-mails).
  • 12 requests of BETA Leser / Monat. Weiterlesen.

  • 1 Promotion Pack Gratis / Monat (Silver).

  • Automatic author profile priority verification request.
  • Free pass to exclusive events, including Autoren-Wettbewerb.

  • 300 Ergänzende.
Wähle Premium Pro

Detailed Premium benefits Compare all the Premium plans and find the right one for you

Benefits for readers Free plan Premium Premium Plus Premium Pro
Lese gratis -
Access to unique stories and e-books -
Reading lists 3 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Offline stories 3 10 Unlimited Unlimited
Offline stories price 6 Kostenlos Kostenlos Kostenlos
Offline stories expiration 15 Tage 30 Tage 45 Tage 45 Tage
Listen to elegible chapters as audiobooks - - 15 per month 30 per month
Commemorative Badge Card - -
Access limits by Rewards Levels. Weiterlesen. Ja Nein Nein Nein
Ergänzende Prämien Punkte zu machen. Weiterlesen. - 80 160 300
Benefits for creators and writers
Vorrangige Verifizierung deiner Geschichten -
requests of BETA Leser per month. Weiterlesen. - 4 8 12
Inclusion on the featured creators list -
Passe die Farben f[r die unterschiedlichen Themen an und background pictures -
Private Smart Glossaries -
Launch your own Writing Contests - -
Create your own Community Group - -
Automatic author profile priority verification request - - -
Free pass to exclusive events, including Autoren-Wettbewerb - - -
Promotion Pack Gratis per month (Silver) - - - 1
Media and images upload limit 2 MB oder 1000px 2 MB oder 1000px 10 MB oder 3000px 10 MB oder 3000px
Technical support 7 Werktage 3 Werktage 1 Werktage 1 Werktage
Better sales options and reduced fees
Fee on sales transactions 25% 20% 15% 8%
Membership plans 1 3 Unlimited Unlimited
Offer membership rewards - -
Service fee discount for Self-publishing services - - 50% 50%
Manage automatic split sales revenue between co-authors - - -
Power tools for creators and writers
Inkspired Writer App für Mac oder Windows herunterladen. Weiterlesen. 14-tägige kostenlose Testversion While subscribed Upgrade einmal, erhalte die App für immer Upgrade einmal, erhalte die App für immer
Limits of chapters in a story 100 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Add links in your content -
Co-authoring -
Hide last activity in your profile -
Hide Badges & Collectible Cards in your profile -
Hide favorite stories in your profile -
Make your stories secret - -
Exportieren nach PDF, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, TXT. - -
Weekly e-mail with writing progress - -
ChatGPT helper to co-write and get feedback on your writing (AI) - - - 10 requests per month
Send Newsletters to all your followers - - 1 per month (up to 15,000 e-mails). 4 per month (up to 50,000 e-mails).
E-mail notifications to followers when making new releases or announcements.
Push notifications on the app and on-site notifications are always unlimited for all plans.
Max. 1,000 per release Max. 5,000 per release Max. 25,000 per release Unlimited
Wähle Premium Wähle Premium Plus Wähle Premium Pro